I am Rikimaru; I am Shadow

Writer, Poet, Social Commentator


This week I Leap.

I have given ear to the voices in my head that call on me endlessly, with haphazard stories  I cannot understand, let alone put on paper. I have run away from their cries, their torment, their whispers, as I go along the streets.

These stories, the need for a hero in every facet of our lives; mortal and immortal alike, I have refrained from penning but alas, as with all battles, there comes an end.

So, I have birthed two characters: Koiki Fadiga (in honour of a friend who showed me how to be a friend before passing to the great beyond. He was at the beginning, I believe he will be at the end.), and Benaiah (one of my favourite Bible warriors).

Their stories will be in Series and hopefully will keep me on my toes to churn out weekly stories of their adventures, their trials and their travails.

They will save a country that needs saving!

3 comments on “THIS WEEK…

  1. Jimoh Adenike
    September 23, 2013

    Amen to that!


  2. Tunde Fajimi
    September 27, 2013

    Something great is about to be born…

    I look forward to an inspiring journey.


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This entry was posted on September 23, 2013 by in Commentary, Musings.


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